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While there are no known cures for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, there are several treatment options for the condition. One option involves medicine, and another involves surgery. Both of these treatments may be effective for some patients. Regardless of the cause of your condition, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan based on your symptoms and...

The first step in treating Hashimoto's thyroiditis is finding a cause. Thyroid problems can be caused by a number of different things, but no one factor is a guarantee of a cure. The best way to treat this condition is to find a solution that will prevent it from recurring. However, many patients may not notice any symptoms at...

The first step in solving autoimmune diseases is identifying the symptoms. This disease is much more common in women than men, and the average age at which it develops is between 30 and 50. In many cases, the disease results from the overproduction of an enzyme called T4 to T3, or of the protein thyroglobulin. Conventional treatments can...

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